Sesuai peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 15/1/PBI/2013 tentang Lembaga Pengelola Informasi Perkreditan (LPIP), dalam melakukan pengelolaan Data Kredit dan Data Lainnya, kami tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengubah Data Kredit dan/atau Data Lainnya yang kami peroleh dari dari Bank Indonesia, Lembaga Keuangan,
Dalam penyaluran kredit, perlu suatu kepastian pinjaman akan kembali dengan lancar. Untuk itu diperlukan analisis kredit awal yang komprehensif tentang calon debitur. Analisis dilakukan dengan menerapkan prinsip 5C yaitu: Character,..
If you are ready to start your own credit card, why not? Get many benefits by using credit card and be responsible to the billing. Some merchants even offer discounts for the CC owner, or even 0% interest if you shop online at certain e-Commerces...
If you are ready to start your own credit card, why not? Get many benefits by using credit card and be responsible to the billing. Some merchants even offer discounts for the CC owner, or even 0% interest if you shop online at certain e-Commerces...
Put simply, credit is the reputation for repaying debts on time. The better your credit, the more willing companies and people will be to lend you money, issue you a credit card, let a house or flat to you, hire you, or provide services to you on favourable terms.
Put simply, credit is the reputation for repaying debts on time. The better your credit, the more willing companies and people will be to lend you money, issue you a credit card, let a house or flat to you, hire you, or provide services to you on favourable terms.